Search Results for: health and safety

Is Health and Safety Taken Seriously Enough?

At Boss Training, it’s our business to take health and safety seriously. Not only are we serious about it when we’re delivering our many training courses, we’re also serious about it in our own workplace. However, in a culture of ‘elf and safety’ myths, is health and safety taken seriously enough? All you have to… Read more »

5 Health and Safety Myths

Health and safety regulations are there to prevent accidents and injuries from occurring, so it’s essential that they are carefully followed. Here at Boss Training, we understand the importance of health and safety; however, like many subjects, there are numerous myths that surround health and safety. Some may have been believed by many of us… Read more »

Health and Safety Considerations You May Not Have Thought Of

Health and safety is a hugely important factor to consider in any workplace. Although the majority of workers are aware of health and safety regulations, there could be some things you may not have thought of. Accidents are not uncommon and health and safety regulations are there to try and prevent these from occurring. Here… Read more »

How Your Business Benefits from Health and Safety Training

Whatever form it comes in, health and safety training is often viewed as a necessary evil; a box you must tick to make sure you comply with regulations. However, there are many more benefits to a business other than ticking the right boxes to ensure compliance. Improve Staff Satisfaction As you invest time and resources… Read more »

The role of health and safety training in today’s workplace

Since the first Factory Inspectorate was formed in 1833, efforts have been made to make the workplace safer for employees. Not only is this a humane attitude, but it is now enshrined in law; the employer has a responsibility to ensure that all of their workers are as safe as they possibly can be when… Read more »

Health and Safety – a global perspective

The recent tragedy at the site of the Didcot Power Station in Oxfordshire, was broadcast far and wide across the many news outlets. I was shocked at the scenes and the death of at least one person as a result of an unexpected building collapse.

Top Five Health and Safety Essentials in the Workplace

Almost everyone knows about health and safety procedures in the workplace, if only through articles in the press. The problem is that, despite its importance, they are often considered box-ticking exercises, with the consequences not being taken as seriously as they should. In fact, these guidelines are critical to maintaining a safe and productive working… Read more »

UK Health and Safety Week 2015 is Launched

UK Health and Safety Week 2015 is Launched Everyone knows that it is all too easy to sideline the issue of Health and Safety so the announcement of this year’s UK Health and Safety Week at a meeting earlier this month has been widely welcomed. The focus this year will be Protecting Worker Health. The… Read more »