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Abrasive Wheel Training Courses

Achieving Food Hygiene Rating Level 5

ADHD Awareness

Alcohol Personal Licence Holder

Allergen Awareness

Anti Harassment and Bullying

Anti-Bribery and Corruption

Anti-Money Laundering

Asbestos Awareness (UKATA)

Asbestos Awareness IATP Online

Assessing Display Screen Equipment

Autism Awareness

Banksman Training

Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes

Basic Fire Safety Awareness Training Online

Basic Legionella Management Training Online

Behavioural Safety

CDM Awareness Course Online

Children and Young People’s Mental Health

Conflict Resolution in the Workplace

Coronavirus Workplace Safety Course

Customer Service

Cyber Security

Dementia Awareness

Depression Awareness

Developing A Workplace Mental Health Policy

Developing Good Employee Relations

Developing Teamwork

Diabetes Awareness

Dignity and Privacy

Disciplinary Procedures

Display Screen Equipment Training

Drug and Alcohol Awareness

Duty of Care

Effective Delegation

Electrical Safety Course Online

Emergency First Aid at Work Refresher

End of Life Care

Environmental Awareness

Epilepsy Awareness

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Training

Facebook for Business

Fire Doors

Fire Marshal for Care Homes

Fire Marshal Training

Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)

Handling Information in a Care Setting

Health and Safety in a Care Setting

Infection Control

Introducing GDPR

Introduction to Early Years Foundation Stage

Introduction to Emotional Intelligence

Introduction to HACCP Level 2

Introduction to Personal Safety for Lone Workers

Introduction to Risk Assessment

Introduction to the Safe Handling of Medicines

Ladder Safety

Leadership Skills

Learning Disability Awareness

Level 1 Food Safety – Catering

Level 1 Food Safety – Manufacturing

Level 1 Food Safety – Retail

Level 2 Food Safety – Catering

Level 2 Food Safety – Manufacturing

Level 2 Food Safety – Retail

Licensed Premises Staff Training

LinkedIn for Business

Lock Out, Tag Out (LOTO)

Lockdown Procedure in Schools

Managing Meetings

Managing Occupational Health and Wellbeing

Managing Sickness and Absence

Manual Handling Training Courses

Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health First Aid


Noise Awareness

Nutrition and Hydration

Objective Setting

Online Fire Extinguisher Training

Paediatric First Aid

Person-Centred Care

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

Positive Handling in Schools

Preparing for a Job Interview

Presentation Skills

Prevent Duty

Principles of Communication

Project Management

Safeguarding Adults

Safeguarding Children

Sales Skills

Search Engine Optimisation for Business

Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Sharps Awareness

Slips, Trips and Falls

Social Media for Business

Stress Management

Stroke Awareness

Supervising Food Safety – Level 3

Supervising Mental Health at Work

The Principles of Performance Management

Time Management

Twitter for Business

Understanding your Role in Care

Working at Height Training

Working in Confined Spaces

Working Safely

Working Within the Private Security Industry

Workplace Health and Safety

Your Personal Development
Why Complete Your Health and Safety Training Online?
Completing health & safety training online has an extensive list of benefits; let’s take a look.
- An increased attendance and completion rate. Online courses can be completed wherever and whenever it means the attendance rate is higher as there is no requirement to be present in person.
- Ensures legal compliance. Health and safety training courses are a legal requirement in many sectors, and online training allows organisations to ensure they are compliant.
- Enables employees to complete the course wherever they are. Online courses don’t require in-person attendance at a workplace or training centre; they can be completed anywhere with an internet connection and an appropriate device.
- Encourages blended learning. For some courses, such as our IPAF training, a blended learning option is available which requires a balance of online theory and in-person practical training.
Why Choose Boss Training for Online Health and Safety Courses?
Here at Boss Training, we are committed and dedicated, with our client’s best interests at the forefront of everything we do. We aim to provide an extensive list of high-quality, thorough, and professional health and safety training courses that enable our clients to complete their jobs to the best and safest of their abilities. It is also important that our clients meet their regulatory requirements, which is why we keep our standards high and ensure that no shortcuts are taken, allowing everything to fall into the industry’s legal expectations.
The knowledgeable and experienced team at Boss Training are always eager to help; please contact us today if you require assistance or would like to learn more about our online health and safety training courses.