Search Results for: health and safety

HSE Fines Companies for Flouting Ladder Safety Measures

HSE Fines Companies for Flouting Ladder Safety Measures The Health and Safety Executive (HSE) are not just in existence to legislate against employers as a recent case in Southampton has proved. A painter had balanced an extremely long ladder on the roof of his van to paint a shop frontage and has been fined £4,000… Read more »

Safety Awareness when Working on a Construction Site

Every day, thousands of construction site workers go about their daily duties, knowing that they must adhere to very strict guidelines at all times. It only takes a split second of lost concentration, and the results can be fatal. This article takes a closer look at the myriad of hazards that are present in this… Read more »

Dangerous Machinery and Falls Result in Prosecutions

Dangerous Machinery and Falls Result in Prosecutions Figures have recently been released which show that the two most common reasons for health and safety based prosecutions in the North West are falls from a height and dangerous machinery. The HSE (Health and Safety Executive) brought 65 successful prosecutions between April 2013 and April 2014 and… Read more »

Working at Height Safety Infringements Will Be Prosecuted

Working at height safety infringements will be prosecuted Employers all know that the safety of their workforce is their responsibility and that infringements of regulations will be prosecuted but even so it is remarkable how often this is ignored. Perhaps more remarkable is that some employers, even after being served Prohibition Notices in respect of… Read more »

New and Tougher Penalties for HSE Breaches

New and Tougher Penalties for HSE Breaches All employers are aware that they have a number of responsibilities regarding their workforce but many still flout the laws regarding health and safety. A recent report by the Department for Work and Pensions shows that the courts are beginning to take a much firmer line with anyone… Read more »

AGR and 3T Safety Advantages

AGR (Advanced Guard Rail) and 3T (Through The Trapdoor) Advantages for Safety Mobile Access Towers (MATs) are accepted as being significantly safer than ladders when working at a height and few people would argue that they give a more stable and more efficient working platform for almost any kind of job above ground level. There… Read more »

Industry Safety Fears as Recovery Fuels Building

Construction industry safety fears as the recovery fuels building The economic recovery is obviously good news for the UK as a whole, but specifically for the construction industry, which has seen increasing orders for the first time since 2008. Unfortunately, this is accompanied with an increase in accidents and deaths in the industry, as companies… Read more »

What is IPAF and Why Would I Need It?

The acronym IPAF stands for International Powered Access Federation and they oversee the safety aspect of working at a height using any powered lifting equipment, such as scissor and boom lifting aids. Access can also be gained from static towers and scaffolding but for anything where a lot of moving is needed on the job… Read more »

Health & Safety in a recession

During difficult economic times such as we’re seeing at the moment, companies throughout the country are trying to make cutbacks in any way they can. But government ministers, unions and business leaders have all warned that the recession must not be an excuse to cut back on health and safety.