Search Results for: health and safety

PASMA draws attention to two recent HSE prosecutions

The Prefabricated Access Suppliers’ and Manufacturers’ Association (PASMA) has recently taken the opportunity to comment upon two recent HSE prosecutions regarding working at height and mobile access towers. The first case relates to a tragic accident which took place in 2011 but has only recently been settled in court. James Baillie, 53, fell six metres… Read more »

HSE carrying out refurbishment site inspections

Between September 14th and October 9th this year, the Health and Safety Executive will be carrying out random inspections of refurbishment sites across the country. This is the 10th year in a row the HSE has undertaken such an initiative, and the aim is to ensure that dangerous activities, especially those risking the health of… Read more »

UKATA warns that asbestos training is being ignored

The press have reported a number of incidents recently from across the UK concerning the mishandling of asbestos in varied settings and the UK Asbestos Training Association (UKATA) has spoken out to express its concern that training, though given, is being widely ignored. The General Manager of UKATA, Craig Evans, has made it clear that… Read more »

Gold Award for ‘Beware Asbestos’ campaign

Gold Award for ‘Beware Asbestos’ campaign A gold award for innovation has been awarded to the Health and Safety Executive’s (HSE) asbestos safety campaign at the recent Institute of Promotional Marketing (IPM) awards ceremony. The award was collected by the HSE and the creative communications agency 23Red, who worked together on this project, to design… Read more »

IPAF conference takes place in Hong Kong

IPAF conference takes place in Hong Kong The International Powered Access Federation Asia conference took place in March and the main topic was the continuing development of the aerial work platform sector in the world’s emerging markets and how to promote safety for new users. The vice chairman of the conference, Alan Chan, of the… Read more »

Fines levied for ignoring potential asbestos risk

Fines levied for ignoring potential asbestos risk A leaseholder of a catering business has recently been handed down a severe fine of £10,000, plus £5,000 costs and a £500 victim surcharge after removing asbestos insulation board without taking the proper and legally required precautions. The law is very clear on the matter – it is… Read more »